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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Personal finance: How to cope with market volatility
Useful lessons to be gleaned from the way ultrarich families cope with investments and market volatility.
I’m a big fan of William Bernstein who wrote the book “Four Pillars of Investing”. One of the main points of the book is the idea that whatever your asset allocation is (ie 50% equities, 50% bonds) , you have to maintain the equities portion of your portfolio regardless of what happens to the market. This is easy enough to do when the market is flat or going up, but when it drops then it gets a lot harder. sadia recently posted help with credit card debt
I think that the idea of being able to cash flow life's emergencies is so important to keeping on track financially. It is the reason I am still hanging in after several years of low employment and it allows me to continue my income quest.
Investing is one way to double the amount of money you have in hand. The most important thing regarding investment is to have a goal in specific timing, and that is what I learn about binary options. And when it comes to investing thru binary options I always check 24option review because most of the things I need to know about my trading is right there. That includes the tips, strategies to make and also the signal to make your trading successful.
I’m a big fan of William Bernstein who wrote the book “Four Pillars of Investing”. One of the main points of the book is the idea that whatever your asset allocation is (ie 50% equities, 50% bonds) , you have to maintain the equities portion of your portfolio regardless of what happens to the market. This is easy enough to do when the market is flat or going up, but when it drops then it gets a lot harder.
sadia recently posted help with credit card debt
I think that the idea of being able to cash flow life's emergencies is so important to keeping on track financially. It is the reason I am still hanging in after several years of low employment and it allows me to continue my income quest.
Investing is one way to double the amount of money you have in hand. The most important thing regarding investment is to have a goal in specific timing, and that is what I learn about binary options. And when it comes to investing thru binary options I always check 24option review because most of the things I need to know about my trading is right there. That includes the tips, strategies to make and also the signal to make your trading successful.
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